Stop Chasing Success (Money) Have Fun Instead w/ CEO Ajit Nawalkha (004)

January 16, 2019

Men This Way GUEST Banner Ajit Nawalkha

Are you stuck in work overwhelm, living to work rather than working to simply enjoy life?

Do you know how to stay true to yourself and STILL create a fulfilling intimate relationship?

Are you aware how you need an encouraging support crew of men you can be vulnerable with … for the sake of your intimate relationship?

Ajit Nawalkha’s story is fairytale-like. He grew up in Jaipur, India – in the northern state of Rajasthan in a small home crowded with 23 family members. From Rajasthan, which means the Land of Kings, Life took Ajit on an adventure through the realms of business, marketing, and publishing, across the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea to Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur, where he quickly rose to become, by his early 30s, the CEO of Mindvalley, an innovative and exciting transformational education company that has trained millions of people around the world in the exploding realm of human potential. I met Ajit a year ago, through his wife, my old friend, the brilliant and talented in her own right, Neeta Bhushan Nawalkha. Despite his remarkable rise from humble beginnings to become a King among thought leader Kings, Ajit carries himself with such an unassuming presence; he’s calm and cool in a way that tells you everything is going to be ok.

Ajit is also the co-founder of Evercoach, an incredible training experience for coaches that helped fundamentally reshape my own coaching practice back in 2015 when Evercoach was launched, in ways that continue to make a massive difference for me, and for my clients.

Be sure to stay for Ajit’s 5 Key Takeaway’s at the end of this episode of Men, This Way …

Alright … Let’s dive …


6:09 ~ The most surprising part of becoming a father

7:24 ~ The shift that takes place when becoming a parent

11:06 ~ A formative event in Ajit’s early life

15:18 ~ His start on the path of abundance

16:30 ~ His journey to where he is now, and what helped him overcome fears in taking action

19:58 ~ Asking tough questions when planning for achieving abundance

22:00 ~ “The point of music is discovered in every moment of playing and listening to it. It is the same, I feel, with the greater part of our lives, and if we are unduly absorbed in improving them we may forget altogether to live them.” – Alan Watts

22:26 ~ Watching 4 hours of Netflix a day and being deliberate with work

23:44 ~ Don’t work because you have to

26:18 ~ The impact of male family members and mentors in Ajit’s development

28:55 ~ The importance of sharing between men

31:29 ~ Regular meetings with other men to keep space for raising issues

34:32 ~ Knowledge for intimate relationships

37:21 ~ The power of reflection and transformation in relationships

38:34 ~ The importance of individuality

40:05 ~ Maintaining, not resolving tension

41:55 ~ The biggest challenge facing men in the world today


46:36 ~ KEY INSIGHT: Take a break and find yourself

47:06 ~ KEY MAN TO LEARN FROM: Ajit’s father, Bryan Reeves, Vishen Lakhiani, Tony Robbins

47:34 ~ KEY RESOURCE (most impactful, inspiring book, movie, podcast): Stealing Fire (Book)

48:16 ~ KEY INVESTMENT (the best thing you spent money on, under $10,000): Mind Valley’s A-Fest:

48:54 ~ KEY PRACTICE (7-day challenge to the men listening): When triggered, lean into the conversation and talk through it.


Ajit’s Book “Live Big” @

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