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"ELEVATE has transformed me, my relationship to my wife, to my kids, to my employees.Β A weight has been lifted off me. I’m a different person. I see the world thru a different lens.”

Jeff Powers


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"I wish I would have done this 20 years ago. I feel I have the right tools to tackle whatever the day brings ... whatever life brings."

Ronnie Wilkerson

Police Detective

Pic - Randy Hughes

β€œMy experience in ELEVATE has been one of the most enlightening, emotional, spiritual journeys that I have been on in my life. I needed to be here."

Randy Hughes



Every man committed to thriving in his life knows he isn't supposed to figure it out alone. Working with a mentor – a man who has trod the paths where he yearns to go – is the fastest way to get there.

I'm a former US Air Force Captain turned Corporate Executive who helped build a $50 Million company from scratch in just 5 years. I am now an internationally successful Life Coach & Relationship Coach (and I've spent over $200K on my own coaching and personal growth). I'm also in devoted partnership to the exquisite woman I waited a lifetime for.

As your personal coach throughout 2025, our #1 priority will be to bring you boldly beyond the edges of your comfort zone and limitations of your bullshit stories. With The 5 Pillars of a Thriving Man as our map, our #1 intention is to support you stepping more fully into the life of your biggest dreams.

Face to Face. Heart to Heart. Man to Man.

Learn more about my personal story here.

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Throughout the ages, Men have hunted together and gathered in sacred circles around fire together, celebrating and deepening in the experience of "Being Man."

Yet today – even when we have the success and relationship we've dreamt of – most men experience a persistent, painful loneliness that (unconsciously) leads us to addiction and unwise choices that eventually sabotage our lives.

We men need each other, to inspire bold action, to hold each other accountable, and to help each other be strong when life inevitably kicks our ass.

This journey will connect you to a small, powerful group of like-minded, heart-centered Men committed to living exceptional lives.
