You've achieved some level of success ... yet still feel unfulfilled
You're ready to live your deepest purpose every day ... or already are
You’re seeking a greater level of fulfillment than you now have
You're committed to rising above the distractions & addictions that sabotage you
You're done trying to lone-wolf it through life
You're stuck in some critical area ... and ready for a breakthrough
You enjoy challenge on the journey of becoming the Man you were born to be
You're committed to thriving in every domain of your life
Note: Anyone identifying as a "man" may apply. We are inclusive of all races, sexual-orientations, political opinions.

Your Adventure Runs January 2022 Thru December 2022
Join an Inner Circle of 12 Men who become your Strongest Allies
Personal Coaching & Group Coaching with Bryan Reeves
5-Day In-Person Retreat ("The Gathering") Spring/Summer 2022, (USA, Location TBD)
Throughout the year we will together explore all kinds of practices, insights, tools to help you elevate your life. Here are just a few domains we may dive into:
Generating Daily Momentum
Learn to form habits you want, break ones you don’t
Create more energy, clarity, vitality with daily practices
Explore simple meditations and breathing exercises
Learn productivity practices to help you “win” the day
Activating The 4 Masculine Archetypes
- LOVER: Learn intimacy & connection practices
- MAGICIAN: Enhance your creativity & imagination
- WARRIOR: Sharpen your practice of commitment
- KING: Awaken the Visionary, Heart-centered Leader
Living Your Deepest Purpose Every Day
- Stop working in obligation; start living from inspiration
- Learn to live consistently connected to Heart
- Get support to make courageous changes
- Tools for clarity and taking action towards your dream
Disrupting Sabotaging Patterns
- Learn to shift your mindset from worry/fear to possibility/love
- Break free of unhelpful distractions and addictions
- Learn how to use ANGER in constructive ways
- Overcome stressful money patterns, fears, and beliefs
Enhancing Love & Intimacy
- Learn practices for increased mutual sexual fulfillment
- Become more connected & present for loved ones
- Learn communication skills that short-circuit conflict
- Step more fully into masculine energy (to serve of love)
Becoming A Better Man (Husband, Father)
- Courageously face your childhood wounds
- Understand the path from boyhood to Manhood
- Enhance your parent skills
- Shift limiting beliefs around masculinity & femininity
- Be an inspired role model of Authentic Manhood
You will be seen, challenged, inspired, held accountable, and held in confidence, by Bryan and other men, your new band of brothers, to help you make meaningful and profound changes as you conquer your challenges.
You will learn to thrive through deep, effective application of The 5 Pillars of a Thriving Manhood. In addition to cultivating wisdom through fresh insight, you will explore daily practices (e.g. meditation, breathwork, mindset work, shifts in work habits, etc.) to create new daily habits that support you thriving in every domain of your life.
You will learn exciting new ways of loving an intimate partner such that you are extricated (finally!) from the typical “damned if I do / damned if I don’t!” mode of relationship that leads so many men to dead-end cynicism in love.
You will be wildly encouraged and supported to make significant changes in your professional and personal life – if you desire it – such that you more fully connected to your excitement, your heart, your deepest purpose every day of your life.
If you are willing to play full out … your life will never look the same again.
What Men Say About Working With Bryan ...
Every man committed to thriving in his life knows he isn't supposed to figure it out alone. Working with a mentor – a man who has trod the paths where he yearns to go – is the fastest way to get there.
I'm a former US Air Force Captain turned Corporate Executive who helped build a $50 Million company from scratch in just 5 years. I am now an internationally successful Life Coach & Relationship Coach (and I've spent over $200K on my own coaching and personal growth). I'm also in devoted partnership to the exquisite woman I waited a lifetime for.
As your personal coach throughout 2021, our #1 priority will be to bring you boldly beyond the edges of your comfort zone and limitations of your bullshit stories. With The 5 Pillars of a Thriving Man as our map, our #1 intention is to support you stepping more fully into the life of your biggest dreams.
Face to Face. Heart to Heart. Man to Man.
Learn more about my personal story here.