Why Every Couple Should Break-Up

♦◊♦ I recently experienced the most beautiful breakup. It happened inside a tiny bathroom in a rental cabin my girlfriend (now ex) and I were staying in near Tahoe, California. Well into a severe drought, this normally thriving winter playground had little snow. Which could be a metaphor for our relationship, because it had stopped

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Why Great Sex Is Never Enough

♦◊♦ Have you ever been in a relationship where the sex was amazing, but most everything else sucked? You know … as long as you were physically stuck together, everything was great. Meanwhile outside the bedroom you couldn’t agree on much (unless it was to have sex outside the bedroom). I broiled in the fire

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Understanding Men, Cherishing Women

I’m your average great guy, with three sisters, two amazing mothers and great relationships with them all. I’m great friends with women, but I ain’t no “friend-zone” kinda guy, either. I’ve had my share of great romance. However, when I look back at intimate loves past, I see my backyard field of dreams filled with

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What makes a Woman Thrive?

This past summer, I worked with 80 women as my coaching clients. We shared deep, intimate conversations around their day-to-day challenges, their intimate struggles with men (and in some cases, women), their frustrations in the workplace, and more … and then we dove into what their hearts profoundly yearned for. I worked with women who

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6 Things an Evolved Man Wants From a Woman

♦◊♦ Note: As my views on “SURRENDER” continue evolving, I edit this blog to reflect that. Some of the angry comments below reflect an admittedly “less evolved” view of surrender (last edit: 12/5/15). ♦◊♦ I hear women these days talk about wanting an evolved, conscious man. I’ve decided that mostly means they want to be with

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The One Thing Women Are Most Afraid of in Men (It’s Not Aggression)

♦◊♦ I used to think women were only afraid of aggression in men, in all its forms: anger, rage, physical violence, verbal abuse, sexual aggression, rape. I grew up with all kinds of conflicting social messages about the wrongs (and subtle rights) of violence against women. With three sisters and two mothers (married to my

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Men Aren't Supposed to Understand Women

♦◊♦ I’ve finally realized that I’m not supposed to understand my woman. I am only supposed to love her in all her wild mystery. I’m a “core masculine” man. I wouldn’t want to completely understand a woman, anyway. Like most men, once I understand or completely figure something out – or even think I have –

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A Man's Evolution in Intimacy with Women

♦◊♦ I used to just want a woman’s sexy body. Later I wanted her intelligent mind, too. Now, as the mature masculine man in me awakens, there’s something far more precious than her body or even her mind that I covet: her devotional heart. I’ll explain. Here’s my evolution in intimacy with women: As a

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No One Ever Taught Me How to be a Man

♦◊♦ No one ever taught me how to be a Man. I love my two fathers, my dad and step-dad. I’m truly blessed to have both of these good men in my life. But it was my two mothers (mom and step-mom) who were the strong, orienting leaders in my early life, who held the families

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Breathing Into "Untimely" Sexual Energy

30 day♦◊♦ Sexual energy rises and falls in the body like the tides. I’m a single, 39th-year man, living in Santa Monica, California, surrounded by brilliant AND gorgeous women. Yet I have no intimate female partner with whom I can express the natural sexual energies coursing through my body every single damn day. Do you

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