Why I'm giving up women for 30 days

I started a 30-day “woman fast” 7 days ago. Scoff if you must. “Wow, 30 full days,” you say sarcastically as your eyes roll and your empathy shrivels. But this is what it means: no dates, no sex, no actual flirting, no making out, no strategic loitering in the yogurt aisle or after yoga class,

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Great ideas happen where Vision meets Reality

My best ideas come when I first get deeply honest about the gap between what I actually see and what I want to see. I take in and acknowledge reality, the world I see around and within me at this moment; and then overlay that reality with my dream, my vision, what I want to

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Putting yourself out there is supposed to be scary

I’m always a bit nervous when I hit “Publish” on a blog. I never know how these words are going to be received by you. Like most creators, I want more than anything that you embrace my every creation like some precious discovered treasure glinting resplendent in your eyes that you can’t help but stare

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How do you want to die?

Most doctors, yes MOST DOCTORS, would OUTRIGHT REFUSE life-saving interventions (CPR, life support, feeding tubes, etc.) because they know how brutal and futile end-of-life care can be, and what little chance of meaningful success it typically offers. There’s a fascinating NPR RadioLab podcast about that @ http://www.radiolab.org/blogs/radiolab-blog/2013/jan/15/bitter-end/ The rest of this essential blog about the

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There’s So Much Wild Goodness In The World

In 2009-2010, I spent 12 months touring North America with a conscious music band – 6 men (and one guitarist’s wife for a few of those months) – in an SUV vehicle which I’m certain shrank over time. During that entire year, we spent less than 10 nights in hotel rooms. The other 355 days

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Yes, The World Actually DOES Need Your Voice

It’s easy to get discouraged about inspirational writing and coaching when I think the stage is already too crowded. There’s so many people already doing what I aspire to do … and some are doing it reeeeeally well. When I attended Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within Seminar in Los Angeles 2 months ago, I

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Spiritual Military

In honor of Memorial Day, I want to remind you that I was once a Captain in the US Air Force … and now I work in transformational entertainment and write inspirational blogs like “Tell The Truth, Let The Peace Fall Where It May” and “A Happy You is Good for the Planet!” Tonight at

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Leaping off cliffs is a way of life

You figure it just takes one huuuuuge leap of faith to hurl yourself off the metaphorical cliff before you’re off and … well, dropping through the sky like a sweaty meat bomb until you magically grow wings and reclaim your wits about you and then it’s smooth sailing forevermore. But no, that’s not how it

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The Arrogance of the “Enlightened Fool”

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve acted in ridiculous, immature, even aggressive fashion when making a stand for positive, high-minded ideals. It’s just soooo tempting to scorch another’s ignorant absurdities with a blast of my own passionate fire (I blame it partly on the hot Spanish 25% of my blood). But we all

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