A Man Without A Father’s Praise (Never Feels Successful Enough)

A Man Without A Father’s Praise (Never Feels Successful Enough)

“The more fragile a man feels internally, the more likely he is to try building an outer shell to hide this fragility.” ~ Guy Corneau (Absent Fathers Lost Sons) ♦◊♦ Throughout my life I have been plagued by the enduring fear that I’m never quite successful enough, whatever my actual successes. Which has been at … Read more

The One Shift in Communication (That Saves Relationships)

The One Shift in Communication (That Saves Relationships)

“When someone comes to you with their pain, they’re not asking you to decide if their experience is valid.” ~ Silvy Khoucasian ♦◊♦ Through all my adventures in intimacy, I spent way too much time evaluating the validity of my partners’ upsets and frustrations – often deciding they are NOT valid, especially when directed at … Read more

There’s No Bad Timing For Love (When You’re Truly Ready)

There’s No Bad Timing For Love (When You’re Truly Ready)

♦◊♦ More and more I’m convinced the success of intimate relationship strongly depends on … timing. I don’t mean perfect accidental timing, like where you just happen to be at the post office on the exact day, at the precise hour, minute, second that The One needs stamps. I don’t mean bad circumstantial timing, like … Read more

Men Need Safe Places To Feel (Angry)

Men Need Safe Places To Feel (Angry)

We men are Angry. Furious. Enraged. Which has nothing to do with Republicans, or Democrats, or the unfair accusations our intimate makes in her (his) moments of upset. No. We’re angry because our fathers left us alone to find our own way.

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