Conscious Relationships

Women Feel Unsafe And It Is Our Fault

“We have to take responsibility for what we are not responsible for.” ~ Robert Moore ~ ♦◊♦ In 2013, I attended a large workshop with 2000-ish people, about half men and women. One day, the facilitator asked this question of the men: “Men, raise your hand if you have felt unsafe at any point during the last week.”

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6 Things an Evolved Man Wants From a Woman

♦◊♦ Note: As my views on “SURRENDER” continue evolving, I edit this blog to reflect that. Some of the angry comments below reflect an admittedly “less evolved” view of surrender (last edit: 12/5/15). ♦◊♦ I hear women these days talk about wanting an evolved, conscious man. I’ve decided that mostly means they want to be with

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The One Thing Women Are Most Afraid of in Men (It’s Not Aggression)

♦◊♦ I used to think women were only afraid of aggression in men, in all its forms: anger, rage, physical violence, verbal abuse, sexual aggression, rape. I grew up with all kinds of conflicting social messages about the wrongs (and subtle rights) of violence against women. With three sisters and two mothers (married to my

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A Man's Evolution in Intimacy with Women

♦◊♦ I used to just want a woman’s sexy body. Later I wanted her intelligent mind, too. Now, as the mature masculine man in me awakens, there’s something far more precious than her body or even her mind that I covet: her devotional heart. I’ll explain. Here’s my evolution in intimacy with women: As a

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Can I walk you to your car?

“Can I walk you to your car?” I asked her. “Oh, don’t worry, I can walk myself,” she responded. The boy inside me thought, yeah, she can walk herself; she doesn’t need me. The Man inside me thought, yes, she can walk herself, and I will walk her, anyway. It was dark outside, a bit

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Women are not defective Men (and vice versa)

♦◊♦ Life is blowing my mind right now … over something remarkably silly. But bear with me. This gets reeeeally good. In all my years of intense (and sometimes tortured) exploring how to live passionately and truly feel my life, I’ve essentially ignored one fundamental aspect of living. It’s so basic and obvious that …

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