
Who Should Pay For Dinner?

♦◊♦ Have you ever puzzled over who should pay for dinner on a first date? Back when I was living mostly in the land of 50/50 love, what author David Deida called Stage 2 Intimacy, I wanted my romantic dates to at least pretend they were willing to foot half the dinner bill. Especially on

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The 3 Stages of Love (Where Are You?)

♦◊♦ I’m a huge fan of disillusionment. Having an illusion ripped away from us can be profoundly liberating. Dorothy had to discover the Wizard of Oz was just a conman before she could discover she already had the power to get herself home. When it comes to love, disillusionment is essential, if also profoundly painful.

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Why Every Couple Should Break-Up

♦◊♦ I recently experienced the most beautiful breakup. It happened inside a tiny bathroom in a rental cabin my girlfriend (now ex) and I were staying in near Tahoe, California. Well into a severe drought, this normally thriving winter playground had little snow. Which could be a metaphor for our relationship, because it had stopped

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Why Great Sex Is Never Enough

♦◊♦ Have you ever been in a relationship where the sex was amazing, but most everything else sucked? You know … as long as you were physically stuck together, everything was great. Meanwhile outside the bedroom you couldn’t agree on much (unless it was to have sex outside the bedroom). I broiled in the fire

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How To Get Anyone To Fall In Love With You

♦◊♦ Once when I was in college … … a close male friend and I were surveying a group of attractive young women at a party when he leaned towards me and quietly whispered with an unforgettable air of smug confidence, “Bryan, don’t you feel sometimes like you could make any woman in the world

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The Third Truth to Beat Jealousy

Recently, I started dating an incredible woman who attracts men to her like bees to a sunlit sunflower. She is an absolute light in this world, radiant from the inside and gorgeous all over the outside. She’s kind to strangers and shares her sunshine smile freely. I’d be dumb as a lap dog if I

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Beating Jealousy: Two Simple Truths

♦◊♦ Jealousy. That scourge of intimacy that, at its worst, can rob even the most sane person of his or her mental stability as it drags them disoriented and damned into a fiery living nightmare where they’re likely to be tortured by their own fantastical fictions. When jealousy settles into a relationship the consequences can

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Overcoming Your Biggest Relationship Challenges

Recently, I asked you directly about your biggest challenges in intimate relationships. Hundreds of you brilliant souls responded. Today, in gratitude for your generosity, I want to offer you 3 things: 1 –  The Top Results of that Survey 2 –  Powerful insights that can help you around your top intimacy challenges. 3 –  An exclusive

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The Sexiest 3 Words a Man Can Say to a Woman

♦◊♦ “I love you.” (nope) “You look beautiful.” (nope) “Let’s go shopping!” (depends how you say it, but still, no) “How’s your mother?” (no, this will just make her suspicious of you) Those are all nice to say, and many women want to hear them from their partner; they like to feel cherished. But none

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Understanding Men, Cherishing Women

I’m your average great guy, with three sisters, two amazing mothers and great relationships with them all. I’m great friends with women, but I ain’t no “friend-zone” kinda guy, either. I’ve had my share of great romance. However, when I look back at intimate loves past, I see my backyard field of dreams filled with

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