
Yes, The World Actually DOES Need Your Voice

It’s easy to get discouraged about inspirational writing and coaching when I think the stage is already too crowded. There’s so many people already doing what I aspire to do … and some are doing it reeeeeally well. When I attended Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within Seminar in Los Angeles 2 months ago, I

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We are truly entering the Golden Age of Authenticity!

Even as a straight man, I literally get ecstatic chills in my body when something majorly public happens that advances the cause for not just legal equality for gay people, but for the simple acknowledgment that … … gay people have every right to live an extraordinary life in their own authentic brilliance with all the

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There’s nothing you ‘have to’ do … ever!

We need to watch our language!!! I’m not talking about cursing. I’m pretty sure God wants us to curse. I’m talking about the language most of us use everyday that subtly makes ME a victim to MY OWN choices. How many times a day do you say (or think) “I have to do this,” or

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“You already have permission … and you never needed it.”

Recently, I attended the “Lightning in a Bottle” (LIB) festival in southern California. LIB is kind of a “Burning Man” Festival warm-up weekend, though in the same way you go to Kindergarten to warm-up for a Ph.D. program. While I was there, I had a conversation with a brilliant artist friend that completely blew open

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