Your partner is always telling you either …
“I feel safe with you” … or
“I do not feel safe with you.“
Learning to hear what they’re really saying can change everything for both of you!
No man can truly be King until he is willing to take responsibility not just for himself, but for the entire world around him. Until then, he might get rich, but all he’ll have is money.
I recently led a 2-day private coaching intensive for a well-intentioned couple who had ignorantly, innocently, conspired together for years to create a tragic mess of love.
No one ever taught me how to “be in my heart” (or what that even means). My relationships have often suffered horribly as a result. Like most men (many women, too) I’ve been conditioned to live in my head, to use my brain to solve any problem that presents itself.
♦◊♦ Are you fed up with NOT being enthusiastically chosen every day in your intimate relationship? Since “Choose Her Every Day (or Leave Her)” went viral in 2015, I’ve heard from countless disheartened women (and men) all over the world about their painful experiences with intimate partners who aren’t very enthusiastic about “doing relationship” with them. I was surprised to
♦◊♦ “I care about your feelings.” My partner once texted me those words shortly after an argument. When I saw her text, my first thought was … “Why? … I don’t even care about my feelings. … Anyway, everything is fine, I’ll be fine.” As I watched myself dismiss my own feelings (I wasn’t really
♦◊♦ A few weeks ago I awoke from a morning dream in which my girlfriend broke up with me. Later that day, she broke up with me. We were moving through some rough weather at our 6-month mark; nothing I thought catastrophic. I was sure we’d get thru. Then she ended it. I was devastated. I did not
♦◊♦ (note: this happens in all relationships, straight or otherwise. It’s actually a masculine-feminine dynamic, not a man-woman dynamic.) I’ve discovered a tragic cycle in intimacy: WOMAN routinely lets man know he’s “not enough” (doesn’t feel enough; not emotional enough; not expressive enough; often combined with he can’t get it/do it right). Having no idea how to please her,
♦◊♦ Most men have no idea of the true power of sex. Most of us use orgasm as a means to merely release tension in the body, to get out of our heads for a few minutes and relax our restless brains. We too often use women, porn, or other men, to distract ourselves from ♦◊♦ Reflections on an Awakening Man An “Awakening Man” wants a woman who will speak her truth to him, a woman who knows men aren’t equipped to read minds or even not-so-subtle clues. He also wants her to hold him accountable to his highest potential, which she instinctively sees in him (don’t you, ladies?!)
Your partner is always telling you either …
“I feel safe with you” … or
“I do not feel safe with you.“
Learning to hear what they’re really saying can change everything for both of you!