A Meditation on Trust & Surrender

September 9, 2017

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Last April, I took my lovely lady, Silvy, on an unforgettable 5-week adventure ’round the gorgeous emerald isle of Ireland. … She even said “Yes!” at the epic Cliffs of Moher.

Yup, on a brisk early Spring day, just feet away from a rocky 700-foot plunge into the churning Atlantic Ocean, I got on my knee and asked this extraordinary woman I’ve waited a lifetime for to marry me. I figured if she said no, I could just leap off into blissful oblivion.

Totally kidding.

In our two years together, we’ve become so attuned to each other I had no doubt she’d say yes. She had no doubt I would ask … though I did well fooling her for a few weeks.

Still, the moment of engagement was AWKWARD!

I had written down what I wanted to say on 5 Ireland postcards, and when I pulled them out of my backpack with the ring, I suddenly left my body. When she saw me turn the camera towards her with a ring box in my hand, she left her body, too.

Then, just after I started reading the postcards – I’m pretty sure neither one of us heard a thing I said – a loud group of boisterous tourists wandered right into our spot, threatening to kill the whole mood.

We got through it, but in the hours and days afterwards, we had no idea what had just happened. Did we really get engaged? Why is she wearing an ill-fitting ring with 3 emeralds? Is she my property now? (that last one was a joke I’ve enjoyed that she’s never quite warmed up to)

When I started sharing this with others, I quickly learned just how common awkward engagement moments are.

Nearly everyone I spoke with who’d been through one could describe their own clunky, anti-climactic moment neither anticipated nor particularly enjoyed. Instead of fireworks and Disney music there were often awkward silences and internal confusions … even when “Yes!” was the obvious answer.

After that awkward moment now written into eternity, I was inspired to write a 15-minute meditation on TRUST and SURRENDER.

Which we recorded with Silvy’s enchanting voice … and it’s gorgeous.

It’s now available through both my online courses, 

Love, Sex, Relationship Magic

Boundaries: Relationships Suck Without ‘Em!

If you’re struggling in the face of challenge, adversity, pain, this meditation is profoundly comforting. This meditation helps you remember … in your body … just how profoundly supported by life you are no matter how awful things may seem.

P.S. You can also watch it (below) set to a video I shot during an epic sunset in Northern Ireland.



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  • Congratulations Bryan and Sofie on your engagement at the Cliffs of Mohor! Thank you for the incredible work you continue to do to help individuals and couples THRIVE in life and in love! This is a great meditation – and I found the recent work released around Boundaries tremendously helpful! Keep it up!

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