New Beginnings

We Men Must Learn How to Grieve (Everything)

♦◊♦ In 2010, I spent 12 months in a purple SUV Dodge Durango crisscrossing North America on the most wondrous adventure with five other men, five brilliant musical shamans forever my brothers. That purple Durango – which anyone not color blind (like me) would always insist was blue – held us safe as we made … Read more

It’s Easy To Lose Your Way (and Find It, Too)

About 3 years ago, I began losing my way. Even as I was finally finding it. It was summer 2015, and my blog was exploding. Three million people would visit my website in just 3 days while I finished writing my 2nd book in a mountain cabin …

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Thank You For Leaving Me

♦◊♦ A few weeks ago I awoke from a morning dream in which my girlfriend broke up with me. Later that day, she broke up with me. We were moving through some rough weather at our 6-month mark; nothing I thought catastrophic. I was sure we’d get thru. Then she ended it. I was devastated. I did not

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Find a Great Relationship (by Committing to Being Single)

♦◊♦ UPDATE: Just 4 months after I originally wrote this, I met the most exquisite woman I’ve been waiting a lifetime for. We’re engaged now … so take this to heart! : ) ♦◊♦ Recently, I wrote this popular post on Facebook: I’m single. Committed single. Until life drops an exquisite woman onto my path with whom

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Overcoming Your Biggest Relationship Challenges

Recently, I asked you directly about your biggest challenges in intimate relationships. Hundreds of you brilliant souls responded. Today, in gratitude for your generosity, I want to offer you 3 things: 1 –  The Top Results of that Survey 2 –  Powerful insights that can help you around your top intimacy challenges. 3 –  An exclusive

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What A Woman Really Wants Isn’t A Man’s Money

♦◊♦ Twice in my life, I have made a lot of money only to adventure it all away. At 26, I had built up substantial savings as a young US Air Force Officer. I had a sweet pad by the Atlantic Ocean, a Sebring convertible and the means to properly entertain my Canadian girlfriend whenever

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It's Time to Grow Up (but not Old)

I had two bowls of cereal for dinner the other night. The next morning, I went out and played my worst game of pickup basketball … ever. Afterwards, while I sat dejected on the grassy side of this Santa Monica basketball court overlooking a sun-splashed Pacific Ocean, I posted on Facebook that I’ve decided it’s

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Women are not defective Men (and vice versa)

♦◊♦ Life is blowing my mind right now … over something remarkably silly. But bear with me. This gets reeeeally good. In all my years of intense (and sometimes tortured) exploring how to live passionately and truly feel my life, I’ve essentially ignored one fundamental aspect of living. It’s so basic and obvious that …

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