
We Men Must Learn How to Grieve (Everything)

♦◊♦ In 2010, I spent 12 months in a purple SUV Dodge Durango crisscrossing North America on the most wondrous adventure with five other men, five brilliant musical shamans forever my brothers. That purple Durango – which anyone not color blind (like me) would always insist was blue – held us safe as we made … Read more

It’s Easy To Lose Your Way (and Find It, Too)

About 3 years ago, I began losing my way. Even as I was finally finding it. It was summer 2015, and my blog was exploding. Three million people would visit my website in just 3 days while I finished writing my 2nd book in a mountain cabin …

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The Truth is Simple (Only Your Cover-ups Are Complicated)

“If I tell you the real truth about me, you won’t love me.” That single thought has driven me to madness for most of my life. It’s like having a nasty little thought-vampire living in my head with fangs like dagger straws sucking out the oxygen-rich blood that would otherwise fuel clarity in my …

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What is an Awakening Man? ♦◊♦ Reflections on an Awakening Man An “Awakening Man” wants a woman who will speak her truth to him, a woman who knows men aren’t equipped to read minds or even not-so-subtle clues. He also wants her to hold him accountable to his highest potential, which she instinctively sees in him (don’t you, ladies?!)

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You’re Ready For All of Her, You’re a Goddamn Warrior

♦◊♦ My dear proud brother, I know why you’ve always struggled to truly, fully love every woman you’ve ever wanted to truly, fully love. I know why every romance you ever indulged in for more than a sweet, fleeting moment soon threatened to overwhelm you. I know why you still sometimes feel the urge to

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